Unlike many contractors in Texas, Tyson Fogle LLC specializes in direct relationships with property owners and homeowners. We provide directional drilling, trenching, and utility services. Tyson cut his teeth doing emergency repairs to water lines throughout the Houston area, and he continues to prioritize this service for local residents.

Directional boring is a great option to dig under driveways and ensure that prized lawns are kept in tact despite your utility needs. Hire us directly or suggest your homebuilder or general contractor choose us to support your home build or remodel. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about the HDD process.


  • Horizontal Directional Drilling
  • Boring beneath sidewalks, and driveways
  • Trenching
  • Stub up to Meter Cam
  • Water Pipe Repairs
  • Telecommunication Conduit
  • Water Conduit
  • Duct Banks
  • Utility Repairs